- Book Reviews
- Books Published July 2000
July 2000
Here are all of the books we've reviewed
that were
published July 2000.
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The literary style of magical realism, usually associated with Latin American writers Jorge Luis Borges and Alejo Carpentier, actually has an Italian ancestry in Massimo Bontempelli, who first penned his realismo magico works in the... Read More
When she was thirty-four years old, the author bought her first house. The year was 1924, so a lone female purchasing a home was somewhat novel in itself. What made it more remarkable was the fact that Hathaway was someone labeled... Read More
“All my friends have settled in mundane places like London, Rome or Singapore. Only you have chosen a truly exotic place to live.” This is what a former classmate of Murphy’s observes in a letter to the author. The location he’s... Read More
Lewis is best known as an historical novelist (The Wife of Martin Guerre), though her poetry has been highly esteemed by a later generation of twentieth century writers, most notably Philip Levine. Barth previously edited the poems of... Read More