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  2. Books Published January 15, 2001

January 15, 2001

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published January 15, 2001. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in January 2001.

Book Review

Auschwitz Lullaby

by Vyvyan Lynn

“I open a smile in his neck the size of a summer squash and he’ll be dead in a minute… The life is oozing out of him and I feel good,” states Dr. Isaac Jonah in this audio play, which retells the story of the malignancy that was... Read More

Book Review

Circus Days & Nights

by Maurice Ferguson

Throughout literary history some authors write a single book, and they write that book over and over for the remainder of their lives. Walt Whitman, for example, wrote continuously upon his great book of America and democracy, Leaves of... Read More

Book Review


by Leeta Taylor

Novels awash in the arcane archeology of lost medieval manuscripts have become their own sub-genre, with Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose being the keystone tome of the art of book-lore display. For bibliophiles (the ideal readers),... Read More

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