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  2. Books Published January 15, 2001

January 15, 2001

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published January 15, 2001. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in January 2001.

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Book Review

Eyeball Wars

by Vicki Gervickas

The hottest industry on the planet? It’s hard not to think so when traditional print and electronic media are a-buzz with the latest dot.com happening. This uneasy symbiosis between the old guard and the upstarts is often news in... Read More

Book Review

Kindred Spirits

by Tracey McVicar

Hardin issues an invitation to get in touch with the “‘rewilding of humanity’—the reconnecting of our civilized human consciousness, only about 10,000 years old, to the much older shamanistic-animistic-totemic worldview which our... Read More

Book Review

100 Best Spas of the World

by Mary Grace Butler

No longer is the spa merely a rarified refuge for the genteel elderly seeking mineral-water cures and lingering quietly through a drowsy season. Today, spas are a huge international industry, the subject of magazines, Web pages, and... Read More

Book Review

Quiet Heroes

by Robin Farrell Edmunds

“The doctor told me one of my boys [a patient], aged twenty, would have to lose his right arm. He was running a high temp, so I tried to combine a few words of comfort with an alcohol rub. But if there is a formula that covers such... Read More

Book Review

A Fine Excess

by Jo-Ann Graziano

The editors have mined enough lyrical gems—in poetry, prose, and short fiction—to decorate a fine literary crown. The premise behind the collection is Keats ideal of “a fine excess” where language languishes to evoke rich images.... Read More

Book Review

The Other Life

by Holly Wren Spaulding

By beginning her poetry collection with Oscar Wilde’s adage: “One’s real life is so often the life that one does not lead,” Budy prepares the reader for the disjuncture that follows. Life as it is, gives way to the alternative... Read More

Book Review

The Hunger Bone

by Edward Morris

Marquart’s prose is so spare, direct, and free of posturing that one wonders at first just what attraction rock music holds for her. As these twenty-one tales play out, it becomes apparent that she is not so much fascinated by the... Read More

Book Review

The Cool Mountain Cookbook

by Nancy K. Allen

With her folksy, enthusiastic style and rich assortment of recipes, Walters could be one of the keepers of the twenty inns she highlights in this travel guide/cookbook. Walters divides her book into sections by ski lodge. Each section... Read More

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