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  2. Books Published August 2001

August 2001

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published August 2001.

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Book Review

So You Want to Write

by Dorothy Goepel

The authors have distilled the essence of the workshops they’ve led for many years, shaping the core material into a book focused on the fundamentals of writing fiction and memoir, to help aspiring authors enrich their own writing. The... Read More

Book Review

Lullaby for One Fist

by Holly Wren Spaulding

The fist in the title is an appropriate image for a book of poems about rough edges and marital disillusion, though this fist is womanly-curvaceous and quick. The poet’s rage is elegant, but she’s not wholly resentful, perhaps... Read More

Book Review

Creating Emotionally Safe Schools

by Carol K. Oyster

In 1992, (long before the 1999 shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado) almost half of over 65,000 students in the Houston, Texas, school system stated that they did not identify school as a safe place. Since the... Read More