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  2. Books Published October 2001

October 2001

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published October 2001.

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Book Review

The Story of Light

by Jill Blue Lin

The author’s first book about light, The Beauty of Light, published in 1988, won the ALA Best Science Book award. Since then, Bova explains, “so much more has been learned about everything” that he was compelled to “return to the... Read More

Book Review

An Unkindness of Ravens

by Anne-Marie Oomen

In this smart new selection for the A. Poulin, Jr. New Poets series, readers will discover a worldly but tender female persona. Here is a modern Magdalene: complicated, tired, self-aware. Though she’s still young enough to fall in... Read More

Book Review

Poetry Speaks

by Bonnie Blader

“It gave me a devil of a lot of trouble to get these poems into verse and that is why I will not read them as if they are prose,” begins a stubborn Yeats before his reading of “The Lake Isle of Innisfree.” Seamus Heaney likens... Read More

Book Review

A Moral Temper

by John Flesher

“How do you know I am a ‘good American?’” Macdonald demands of a British editor who has thusly praised him. Hardly the reaction one would expect, but perfectly in character for this journalist, editor, and critic, who took every... Read More

Book Review

Red Zone Management

Few would argue that professional sports are big business today, but it seems that the converse is true: big businesses are being run like football franchises. Charismatic business leaders are interviewed for popular magazines; business... Read More

Book Review

Fantasy of the 20th Century

by Marlene Satter

One of the most beguiling aspects of fantasy fiction, as any fan can attest, is the imagery evoked by the writers’ words: places, creatures, settings far beyond those of every day. In this book, a brief but fairly thorough treatment of... Read More

Book Review

Borrowed Dress

by Aimé Merizon

Perhaps a borrowed dress could free a person “to become what I loved, fly // into the stunned landscape where clouds unfold their longings to be lakes and lakes hold clouds in their mouths / as briefly as smoke.” This first... Read More

Book Review

The Perreaus and Mrs. Rudd

by Peter Skinner

Readers may well ask, “When is the mini-series scheduled?” while enjoying this captivating account of forgery, fame, and personal disaster in London of the 1770s. Before the story ends, le beau monde will crowd the courts, pamphlet... Read More

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