1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published March 2, 2002

March 2, 2002

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published March 2, 2002. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in March 2002.

Book Review

The Witch in the Lake

The witch, “darkness knitted together, a thousand nights sewed into blackness without stars,” inhabits the lake near the small Italian village where the young friends, Leo and Merilee, live in 1540. Generations of Leo’s family have... Read More

Book Review

Crimes of Passion

by Peter Skinner

For the thrill-seeker, murder doesn’t always measure up to expectations. We can hope for a power-crazy ex-commando indulging in a dramatic axe assault but may get a flat-footed meter-reader wielding a poisoned muffin. In fact, love and... Read More