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  2. Books Published May 15, 2002

May 15, 2002

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published May 15, 2002. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in May 2002.

Book Review

La Vasija Que Juan Fabric

Bringing the tale of Mexico’s master potter to young readers, this intoxicating translation will delight the mind, the eye, and the ear of the young reader. While on a trip to Mata Ortiz, the author met Juan Quezada and learned of how... Read More

Book Review

"I Will Be Meat for My Salish"

Walking Coyote, a Pend d’Oreille Indian from western Montana, circa 1878, was in trouble. He already had a wife, but he took a second, risking the disappointment of the fathers of the St. Ignatius Mission and punishment by his tribe.... Read More

Book Review

The Long Journey

by John R. Selig

As World War One draws to a close in the spring of 1919, sixteen-year-old Harold Reed is content with his job shining shoes in the Town Creek, Alabama barbershop. A letter arrives saying that Harold’s older brother, Bosworth, a war... Read More

Book Review

Daredevil's Apprentice

The day my friend Lucie Dreadfulwater killed Dale Nowlin, the November wind rattled the rafters of the barn in which they faced each other. Only the two of them could say what happened that day, and they’re both dead. No one is left to... Read More

Book Review

Wild Orphans

by Marlene Satter

Recent research shows that elephants and humans have many things in common, and readers of this book will see clearly how much the two species are alike. The author, a gifted wildlife photographer, followed a group of orphaned baby... Read More

Book Review

Surviving Job Stress

Many people don’t realize that stress can cause unpredictable results. Besides the obvious physical symptoms, stress can result in other actions that can be just as detrimental. Not recognizing the symptoms early can cause a person to... Read More

Book Review

Word Work

Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance received over a hundred rejections before it became a best seller. This fact helps many writers not take rejection personally, but the author of this writing book argues that... Read More

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