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  2. Books Published June 15, 2002

June 15, 2002

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 15, 2002. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in June 2002.

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Book Review

Cinema's Illusions, Opera's Allure

by David Reid

Whether or not one verbalizes a like or dislike of opera, everyone, according to the author, has been “raised culturally on something very close to opera”—the movies. Elements of opera are evident in a wide variety of films,... Read More

Book Review

Change Your Life with Martial Arts

“It is better to spend three years searching for the best instructor than to train for ten years under an ineffective one.“ With this wisdom gleaned from a Chinese text on Kung Fu, the author summarizes one of the most important... Read More

Book Review

Iris Origo

“There are just two things you have to do when you are very unhappy, and you must do one or the other. Get down to work, or do something for someone else.” This was writer Iris Origo’s take on life, as explained to her youngest... Read More

Book Review

Finding the Joy in Alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s is a debilitating disease that confuses orientation and strangles communication in an estimated twelve million people worldwide. The author, a caregiver of her ninety-year-old father until he died early in 2001, and an... Read More