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  2. Books Published March 15, 2003

March 15, 2003

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published March 15, 2003. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in March 2003.

Book Review

Clear the Path

by Kristine Morris

Clear the Path: A Simple Approach to Eliminating Emotional Issues, by Leticia “Lee” Verdin, presents what the author declares to be a rapid and effective method of eliminating the barriers to achieving one’s goals. These barriers... Read More

Book Review

Practicing the Art of Now

by Pam Kingsbury

Based on and excerpted from the author’s previous work, The Power of Now, this CD set, read by the author, offers distinctive, simple exercises for discovering “grace, ease, and lightness.” At the beginning of each chapter, a... Read More

Book Review

The Invisible Seam

by Kate Husband

Children can be inordinately cruel to one another, in all cultures around the world. In this book, a young Japanese girl named Michi must leave her aunt, her only known relative, to work with a seamstress, Mistress Shinyo. Michi soon... Read More

Book Review

Full Steam Ahead!

by Cindy Kryszak

The transformational power of a compelling vision in one’s life or business is compared in this book to the impact of the steam engine on modern industrialization. Like the first steam locomotives or steamships, “full steam ahead”... Read More

Book Review


“Because she was as white-skinned as the moon and he was something akin to the color of red clay,” Martha Clarke plays a role as archetypal as Medea, or Ophelia. Her obsession with Reuben Sweetbitter, a half-Choctaw drifter, is met... Read More

Book Review

Such Sweet Thunder

by Erik Bledsoe

Every few months, it seems, a publisher announces the rediscovery of a “lost masterpiece.” While Herbert Lottman, a correspondent for Publisher’s Weekly and a friend and longtime champion of the author, never uses that term in his... Read More

Book Review

The Master Of Monterey

by Emily Mead

Based on the true story of an overzealous U.S. Naval officer’s premature and misguided invasion of Alta California in 1842, this historical farce is as insightful and sympathetic as it is cutting and funny. The author earned his... Read More

Book Review

Soledad Suspiros

by Bryn Lynch

Sigh-sighs. Soledad, a Puerto Rican girl, earns her nickname from all the sighing she does around the house in her New York City neighborhood. Her mother and father both work at night, so when Soledad comes home from school the house is... Read More

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