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  2. Books Published March 2004

March 2004

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published March 2004.

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Book Review

Broken Bonds

by Robin Dasher-Alston

An immoderate life, indeed! It would be inconceivable for readers to expect anything else from the author, who was accused in 1994-and then cleared-of single-handedly defrauding a General Electric subsidiary, Kidder Peabody, of more than... Read More

Book Review

Sexy Mamas

“‘Sex?’ What is this ‘sex’ of which you speak? I’ve heard of it, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it is,” said one survey respondent quoted in this book. Another tired mom answered, “Who wants to have sex... Read More

Book Review


by Becky Rankens

“Perch was old and wise, and she knew it was time to tell her friend what happens to every tadpole. Polliwog, one day you will change and leave the pond.” Stubborn and unwilling to accept change, Polliwog disagrees. She is happy with... Read More

Book Review

Fault Line

“Some damages are never wholly corrected,? writes the author. Her memoir depicts a chasm within her character as a youth-an uncontrolled urge for sex-which plunged her into the abyss of misbegotten relationships, especially with a... Read More

Book Review

Still Lives

by Ruth Wucherer

What is it like to live in a wheelchair, without sensation and movement in the body? According to the author, “The answer is found in the experiences of those in that position, but in fact there is no single answer, for each person has... Read More

Book Review

The Last Pope

by Scott La Counte

Sex, scandal, drugs, and the Pope-these are central themes of this new novel about the death of a pope and the process of replacing him. The book is a turn from the author’s previous best-selling suspense and mystery novels, but it... Read More

Book Review


by Michelle Moore

This book examines Western thoughts on mortality through the development of opera, from the art’s birth at a time of religious zeal, through its growth during the age of reason, to the present, when belief in the afterlife has eroded,... Read More

Book Review

The Afflicted Girls

The “afflicted girls” are the accusers in the Salem Witch trials. Elizabeth Parris, Abigail Williams, Ann Putnam, and Mary Warren speak again in the author’s second book of poems. Cooley’s investigation of women’s voices under... Read More

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