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  2. Books Published April 15, 2004

April 15, 2004

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published April 15, 2004. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in April 2004.

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Book Review

One Mile at a Time

by Karl Kunkel

Losing a family member can be a traumatic event. The author was devastated after losing two sons to needless traffic accidents and then a wife to illness. In 1984, at the age of sixty-three, Smith’s therapy was to embark on a mammoth... Read More

Book Review

Restless Wave

by Kim Schmidt

The author (1903-1996) spent her entire life between two worlds. She was at different times Japanese and American, a member of the elite upper class and a struggling laborer, a political activist and an employee of the War Department. In... Read More

Book Review

Gang of One

Where some might say, “If you can’t win, why fight?” the author would ask, “If you don’t fight, how can you win?” Condemned by the Chinese Communist regime to live all his life as a cave-dwelling peasant, Shen-with an... Read More

Book Review

The Jewish Women of Ravensbruck Concentration Camp

“I do not remember much more, except the pushcarts laden with emaciated, naked corpses, their limbs often hanging over the side of the cart. Once in a while some would fall off … being picked up and thrown back on the heap.” This... Read More

Book Review

Making Love

“True love, by definition, is unrequited,” claims the narrator of this polished debut novel, recounting her love affair with the troubled Louis. The first-person protagonist goes unnamed, but that seems inconsequential-what matters... Read More

Book Review

The Digital Sublime

It’s tempting to think of the current era as unique. Popular culture and the news media are filled with pronouncements that society is in the process of the greatest transformation since the development of agriculture, or since the... Read More

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