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  2. Books Published September 15, 2005

September 15, 2005

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published September 15, 2005. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in September 2005.

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Book Review

South of Here

by Melanie Drane

We grow up hearing the adage that “History is told by the victors”—the notion that those in power possess jurisdiction over our shared story. In authorized versions of history, the prevailing orthodoxy decides whose lives were... Read More

Book Review

Clumsy Crab

“Everyone decided to play hide-and-seek. Nipper climbed into a big clam shell and pulled it shut.” Uh-oh. It seemed like a good idea, but things don’t always work out, especially for Nipper, the little crab who wants badly to be... Read More

Book Review

Grandmama's Pride

by Kaavonia Hinton

Last year the United States recognized the fiftieth anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision, “Brown vs. the Topeka Board of Education,” a decision that declared segregation in U.S. schools unconstitutional. In academic... Read More

Book Review

Asian Flavors

by Melanie Drane

Few Baby Boomers who grew up lunching in public school cafeterias escaped ladles of an over-salted, brown glop known as chop suey. That meal passed as an introduction to “Asian” food, despite its dubious and controversial origins... Read More

Book Review

The Trader Joe's Adventure

Reader beware—do not dive into this book before a meal. While this is primarily a tale of strategic success, no story about Trader Joe’s, the gourmet shop for bargain hunters, can be told without liberal mention of its products, from... Read More

Book Review

Lowering the Bar

In the past, when I’ve talked to audiences like this, I’ve often started off with a lawyer joke, a complete caricature of a lawyer who’s been nasty, greedy and unethical. But I’ve stopped that practice. I gradually realized that... Read More

Book Review


Depending on one’s frame of reference, the term “Gothic novel” conjures images of beautiful young women in trailing diaphanous vestments, treading winding cobweb-ridden staircases in mouldering old mansions, armed only with... Read More

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