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  2. Books Published August 15, 2006

August 15, 2006

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published August 15, 2006. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in August 2006.

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Book Review

From the South Seas

Curious Collection: “Oceanic art is a mysterious realm for most Westerners. When we first encounter it in a gallery of a museum, we perhaps sense that there is something in these strange masks that is a little frightening,” writes... Read More

Book Review

Vegetable Dreams/Huerto sonado

Tears roll down Erin’s cheeks as she grieves her broken dream of having a garden. The girl’s parents insist that she is too young to do the work. Mr. Martinez, a neighbor, lets Erin plant vegetables in his garden. This re-release of... Read More

Book Review

The Gospel According to the Beatles

“We’re more popular than Jesus now.” John Lennon’s infamous remark in January of 1966 set off an enormous controversy when it was reported in the United States. In fact, the comment is still repeated as evidence of Lennon’s... Read More

Book Review


Robin Caton’s “B. Longing” explores the nature of desire: “The desire to live is motionless, self-protective, internal. It wraps itself around the center of itself and clings. The desire to live seeks conjunction. The desire to... Read More

Book Review

The Songs of Angels

by Rebecca Sisk

Imagine the scene: Hell is filling up. “God has finally become unhinged.” He decides to send one of his angels back to earth to figure out a way to stem the tide of souls into Hell. The angel he sends is not really a surprise. In... Read More

Book Review

A Wealth of Family

by Todd Mercer

As a boy, Thomas Brooks unconsciously began to build his skills as a uniter. When an economic situation forced his (adoptive) mother Joan to make moves between neighborhoods on the North Side of Pittsburgh, Brooks journeyed miles on... Read More

Book Review

My Benton County Hero

by Leonard Jacobs

Writing a military memoir is like marching across a field of land mines without detection equipment. For one thing there’s the impulse to romanticize the hate-driven drama that brews armed conflict to begin with. Depending on when the... Read More

Book Review

My Number Was Up, Dad

by Robin Ireland

No parent expects to outlive their child and it is a grievous wound when one does. In My Number Was Up Dad the effort made by author Gary Vaught to assimilate and justify the sudden loss of his beautiful 18-year-old son is evident. It is... Read More

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