1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published September 15, 2006

September 15, 2006

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published September 15, 2006. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in September 2006.

Book Review

Knock and I Will Dine with You

by Diane Taylor

"Knock and I Will Dine with You" is long on religious fervor and short on literary merit. No doubt Clara E. Garcia means well when she states that, “the words just come, as if it’s not even me saying it but that some force of good is... Read More

Book Review

Rainy Faces

We’ve got three murders and a freaky woman motorcycle club that’s gone haywire. No I’d say that’s not an accident. In "Rainy Faces" the perfect long-distance biker caravan features individuals who sacrifice for the good of the... Read More

Book Review

The River Flows

Like all literature "The River Flows" must be filtered by the life experience beliefs and spiritual maturity each reader brings to it. For the book’s intended audience (open-minded American Christians or those willing to let God change... Read More

Book Review

Family of God

The Trinity—the idea that God somehow is triune while at the same time being one—remains one of the most perplexing doctrines of Christianity. Numerous theologians have spent their lives lost in the labyrinthine intricacies of the... Read More

Book Review

Wandering Hearts

Beautiful auburn-haired nineteen-year-old Raine Foster lives in the leaky ruin of her family horse farm with her demented grandmother. While that’s disheartening enough the local aristocratic is hot to saddle her up and use her as a... Read More

Book Review

Forever Sentimental

This “voyage through the many facets of love and human relationships” is one of a series of poetry and advice books by the author Kenyatta. A military veteran the author began his career writing poems for fellow troops to send to... Read More

Book Review


On July 22 2002 the landmark study called The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) published in the Journal Of The American Medical Association (JAMA) motivated millions of menopausal women to flush toss and clear their shelves of various... Read More

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