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  2. Books Published March 2007

March 2007

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published March 2007.

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Book Review

Zoland Poetry

by Todd Mercer

Far too much provocative thought flies under the radar of English-language readers; here’s a new radar station, registering worldwide movement. Pease, best known for publishing Ha Jin’s Flannery O’Connor Award winner Under the Red... Read More

Book Review

From Whence

by Erica Wright

Throughout his collection of poems "From Whence", Chitwood seems bent on disproving fellow Southern poet Allen Tate who once wrote, “The typical southern conversation is not going anywhere.” Chitwood cites this disparaging comment in... Read More

Book Review


“I have often thought that there has rarely passed a life of which a judicious and faithful narrative would not be useful,” Samuel Johnson wrote in 1750. Dr. Johnson’s eighteenth century vision for biography was not merely that it... Read More

Book Review

Wanderlust and Lipstick

by Elizabeth Millard

Media images of vacations tend to depict happy couples hiking, swimming, or biking with a scenic vista in the background. Some scenes sport children looking blissful or a rugged man tackling a mountain or hitting the ski slopes. Rarely... Read More

Book Review

Freud's Wizard

Don’t judge a movement by its earliest adepts, advised Friedrich Nietzsche. He might have been talking about psychoanalysis, except that he died in 1900, the year that Sigmund Freud gave birth to the idea by publishing The... Read More

Book Review

When You Fall Down - Get Up!

by Todd Mercer

In the 1970s Ella Coney lived the sort of life which conservative pundits cite anecdotally to encourage further reductions in government social programs for the poor. The one-time wife of a Denver policeman is arrested for shoplifting in... Read More

Book Review

The Land of the Nen-Us-Yok

by Kristine Morris

Author Jamie Sutliff has woven a fast-paced tale of fantasy and adventure in multiple dimensions inhabited by humans monsters wizards elves pixies and the Nen-Us-Yok or “Spirit-Dwarf People” of Native American legend. Wielding... Read More

Book Review

Golpes bajos / Low Blows

There’s something about mocking tragic loss that allows the reader to hate the observer even more than what’s being observed. A first reading of Golpes Bajos might fall on eyes as critical as those the poet turns on her own native... Read More

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