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  2. Books Published April 2007

April 2007

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published April 2007.

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Book Review

Ride the Right Horse

One of Marcel’s front legs was wrapped, and Barteau wondered what had happened to him. When the groom was questioned, it was discovered that there was no injury; the trainer was afraid to work with the horse, so he told everyone Marcel... Read More

Book Review

A Primer on Parallel Lives

Dan Gerber’s poems are something like the fox that graces the cover of this book: quick, graceful, alert to their surroundings, and rarely wasting a motion. The seventh book by this veteran poet, whose work was nominated for the... Read More

Book Review

Nana's Big Surprise/Nana, iQue Sorpresa!

After Tata’s death, Nana comes to live with her family in California. Anxious to help her find her smile, her grandchildren hope a flock of chicks will provide comforting distraction. Based on memories from the author’s life, the... Read More

Book Review

Mastering the Grill

by Matt Sutherland

Unquestionably, the best method of improving your cooking skills is to work side by side a master chef. Short of that, cookbooks are a wonderful tool provided you know how to find the book you need when you need it. "Mastering the Grill"... Read More

Book Review

The Devil's Oracle

by Leonard Jacobs

Beware the bewitching book cover. That’s just one of the lessons of The Devil’s Oracle Tom F. Dodd’s deeply engrossing and often genuinely terrifying murder-mystery. The cover suggests monsters sorcery and catacombs—and indeed... Read More

Book Review

Roman Baptist

by Heather Shaw

William Bellavia is a man born into one faith, who chose another. In his first book, Rebirth Pains, he discussed the history of Christianity and its influence on the American political landscape. This book delves into and digests the two... Read More

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