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  2. Books Published October 15, 2007

October 15, 2007

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published October 15, 2007. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in October 2007.

Book Review


A very peculiar book "Betrayal" is a mix of science fiction and fantasy that shamelessly draws from both genres yet ultimately appeals to neither one. The author is very good at dialogue decent at characterization and reasonably adept at... Read More

Book Review

Crossing Into the Land of Saints

“‘God has not answered our prayers and we’re all dying strangers in a strange land.’” So runs the lament of an exiled matriarch named Cheita whose dying wish to be buried in rural Cuba powers this novel of family social context... Read More

Book Review

Death Circles the Square

In Hollywood getting to the top can be murder. Star-studded foul play abounds in Bernard Harland’s mystery/suspense novel "Death Circles the Square" in which homicide and desire complicate the London premiere of a romance movie. The... Read More

Book Review

No Time for Tears...

“A one-in-a-million thing had happened again” Kellee Stone writes. “My babies were gone from my life forever and so was the house.” Stone’s alter ego the barely fictionalized Ann Deane Teal suffers through unthinkable loss in... Read More

Book Review

The MidLife Health Guide for Men

“Genes will only help you the first half of life…After that it’s the lifestyle you lead from midlife on that determines how well you’ll do” Dr. Chris Rao writes. The author takes a proactive preventive approach to disease and... Read More

Book Review

Soul Sailing

When we combine our Authentic Self with faith in the power of change, we began to climb out of various holes… "Soul Sailing" is a broad-fronted appeal to a loose-but-gathering coalition of the traditionally religious and practitioners... Read More

Book Review

End of Spring

In The End of Spring by Sahar Khalifeh, (Interlink Books, 978-1-56656-681-0) love is the same creature in a different land. “Religion is history,” says Rachel, an English protester, to Ahmad, who lives in Palestine and works with the... Read More

Book Review

Navajo Taboos

The “Navajo Way”—espoused in the popular mystery novels set in Navajoland by Tony Hillerman, who introduces this volume—describes tribal members who are self-deprecating and generous, who believe in moderation in all things, even... Read More

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