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  2. Books Published February 15, 2008

February 15, 2008

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published February 15, 2008. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in February 2008.

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Book Review

The Qur'an

by Henry L. Carrigan

Translating the sacred scripture of any religious tradition is never an easy task. The translators must remain faithful to the sense and meaning of the ancient languages while rendering them into a dynamic and accessible language for... Read More

Book Review

It's Not All About Me

by Amanda McCorquodale

With the passing of each generation we lose the personal accounts of lived history. It’s Not All About Me is author Elvio Del Monte’s attempt to document his own family’s past. Del Monte was born in Utica New York to an Italian... Read More

Book Review


by Joyce Rice

Children of all ages are familiar with the nursery rhyme that tells the story of Mary and her little lamb that followed her to school. "Woolie" tells readers how Mary and the lamb came to be together in the first place. Mary’s Uncle... Read More

Book Review

The Knave's Stiff-Legged Waltz

by Kristine Morris

Lovers of Shakespeare will note D. Julius Loeb’s use of “Rosenkrantz” and “Guildenstern” also the names of two minor characters in Shakespeare’s Hamlet Prince of Denmark as the surnames of the protagonists in this his third... Read More

Book Review

Own These Words!

by Sarah White

Having a good working vocabulary is a skill that more and more people seem to lack in these days of instant messaging and blogging. But knowing the right words and how to use them properly can help a person sound more educated and even... Read More

Book Review

Crazy Quilts

by Christine Canfield

In 1816 a patent was granted for the kaleidoscope, and within twenty years the toy became so popular that its colorful, random patterns inspired designs for home decorations from stained glass to dishes. Perhaps it inspired America’s... Read More

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