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  2. Books Published February 2008

February 2008

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published February 2008.

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Book Review

Sima's Undergarments for Women

A good story—like those written by Lorraine Hansbury or Amy Tan—invites the reader into an unfamiliar world. Ilana Stanger-Ross grew up in Brooklyn, which is also the location of her novel. Sima Goldner, a not-very-practicing Jewish... Read More

Book Review

MegaMan NT Warrior, Volume 13

When the world’s in trouble in the future year of 200X, who do the people turn to? An eleven-year-old boy named Lan and his netnavi MegaMan. (A netnavi is a digital character limited only by the imagination of its creator.) The... Read More

Book Review

Massimo's Italian Kitchen

The recipe for “Risi e Bisi” says that it serves four. The actual result is a creamy, risotto-ish chowder-like dish, balancing the salty roundness of pancetta with the sweetness of peas; and a heartiness that would stuff six teenage... Read More

Book Review


Roy writes that this book is “totally devoted to the construction of a specific building, with all the various techniques described thoroughly enough so that the reader can replicate the project.” The author previously constructed... Read More

Book Review

College-Prep Homeschooling

by Amy Falberg

Most homeschooling parents experience some degree of panic when their children reach high school age, especially given the preparation for college entrance exams such as the ACT and SAT. Chandra and David Byers, educators of their six... Read More

Book Review

The Qur'an

by Henry L. Carrigan

Translating the sacred scripture of any religious tradition is never an easy task. The translators must remain faithful to the sense and meaning of the ancient languages while rendering them into a dynamic and accessible language for... Read More

Book Review

It's Not All About Me

by Amanda McCorquodale

With the passing of each generation we lose the personal accounts of lived history. It’s Not All About Me is author Elvio Del Monte’s attempt to document his own family’s past. Del Monte was born in Utica New York to an Italian... Read More

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