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  2. Books Published July 2008

July 2008

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published July 2008.

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Book Review

EV Management

by Todd Mercer

Dr. Brammar takes a dim view of certain improvement paradigms like Lean Manufacturing which promise miracle savings through little more than streamlining work stations or production lines. If every second of waste is cut from the making... Read More

Book Review

African Girl

by Todd Mercer

The quest for racial equality and human rights ties together disparate elements in the highly original speculative novel "African Girl". The story begins with a little girl named Lea living in the fictional country of Nathan which could... Read More

Book Review

Deep Thinking The Human Condition

by Andi Diehn

Saving humanity from itself takes both brains and bravery. S.A. Odunsi shows he has both in Deep Thinking the Human Condition. In this first of three volumes Odunsi introduces his readers to the idea that perhaps governments have been... Read More

Book Review

The Girl Who Rode Dolphins

by Lisa Bower

Coming in at just over 700 pages this novel is not only epic in size but also in scope. The reader is taken on a journey along with the protagonist through the mountains of Tora Bora and beyond. Jake Javolyn a former Navy Seal dive boat... Read More

Book Review

The Red Dolphin

by Camille-Yvette Welsch

Like a familiar red-nosed reindeer Red the Dolphin is searching for a friend who will accept him despite his physical difference—red skin. Red swims the ocean asking creature after creature to be friends with him. Unfortunately no one... Read More

Book Review

I Surf, Therefore I Am

by Heather Shaw

Like surfing, reading this book will make you happy. Kreeft, philosophy professor at Boston College and author of The Philosophy of Jesus and Socratic Logic, provides ten outstanding reasons to start surfing from ten illustrious sages,... Read More

Book Review

The Ooodle & Snippp Giants

by Todd Mercer

An intrepid Smurfette journeys solo beyond talking trees into Helm’s Deep where the good wizard and the diabolical warlock are destined to clash… Oops no those are pieces of other stories. This one establishes a community of peaceful... Read More

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