- Book Reviews
- Books Published October 15, 2008
October 15, 2008
Here are all of the books we've reviewed
that were
published October 15, 2008.
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Dr. Reggie Lee of the famed National Gallery in London never dreamed that she would find herself physically threatened and others killed under suspicious circumstances due to her effort to put together an exhibition around three... Read More
Fame, of course, is fleeting, but immortality belongs to those bold enough to chase it. At least in sheer volume of images, Edward Sheriff Curtis (1868—1952) will never be surpassed as the greatest photographer of Native Americans in... Read More
This poet picks up where Allen Ginsberg and H.D. left off, bridging the gap between the Beats of the ‘60s and the slam poets of today. Gathering more than twenty years’ worth of work, the collection chronicles a lifetime of writing... Read More