No doubt the author invested time and effort into compiling more than 600 pages of information that links actors to television roles they performed from 1950 to 1990. It progresses in alphabetical order from A-Team to Zorro and Son with... Read More
Golfers of the world will be heartened to learn that a cure has been found for the common malady “the yips.” The condition according to golf aficionado Kurt Pugh consists of “involuntary motions of the hands or wrists that can make... Read More
Candace Savage uses lay terms to explain the complex communications, resource management, and division of labor of Bees: Nature’s Little Wonders (Greystone Books, 978-1-55365-321-9). Her approach follows the breakthroughs of leading... Read More
This is a big day for twelve-year-old Ruby and somehow she knew that it would start all wrong. Not only is she late for her test but as she finishes her quick shower she remembers that all of her clothes have been removed the night... Read More
From the bayous of Louisiana to subtropical Florida, the Deep South is vitally alive and full of surprises for the unprepared, some of them potentially deadly. Irene Brady, the writer and illustrator behind "The Southern Swamp Explorer"... Read More
While the self-publishing industry has created opportunities for aspiring writers to share their creative visions with the world some works simply do not belong in the public arena. This book is an example of not-ready-for-prime-time... Read More
The siblings Crump began transcribing their great-grandmother’s journals some 150 years after Augusta Chase lived through the tumultuous settling of the Kansas Territory. In many ways that settling was a precursor to the Civil War.... Read More
Sexual relations have always been a popular subject for humanity to document—from the Neanderthal cave paintings to Etruscan erotic artwork on the walls of Pompeii; from the pornography empires of Larry Flynt and Hugh Hefner to the... Read More