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  2. Books Published April 2009

April 2009

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published April 2009.

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Book Review

Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It

by Matt Sutherland

Cooking is skilled labor, blue-collar, and always a fine opportunity to get your hands dirty. Before the advent of celebrity chefs, the work of the kitchen felt closer to masonry than artistry. In days of yore, putting food up for use in... Read More

Book Review

Chinese Chess

by Ruth Douillette

Joseph Pilarski paints a frightening picture of the future: the world is caught in the grips of a power struggle as Iranian operatives make a bid for copper the last component they need to complete nuclear missiles. Determined to win the... Read More

Book Review

Seekers of the Soul

by Kristine Morris

A surprising diagnosis of cancer of the kidney sent author Sherry Ward on a search for alternatives to surgery and conventional treatments. Her inner awareness that the mass was not malignant led her to postpone the suggested surgery and... Read More

Book Review

Where Angels Fear to Tread

by Carolyn Bailey

This galactic adventure is centered around Shiloh, the star of a sci-fi television hit Stargeant Guard, who appears to be living the life of a teen celebrity in Los Angeles. In actuality, Shiloh and her costar Spud are undercover agents... Read More

Book Review

Red Moon

by Rachel Jagareski

Dr. Jennifer Bently has just completed her service on a Hopi Reservation after medical school and lands a research gig at a secret military base in the desert. Two of her patients prophesize that she will meet two men: one an enemy and... Read More

Book Review

Barack Obama

by Andi Diehn

No matter how the next four years go Barack Obama’s name will represent for future generations a turning point in American politics. As the first black president of the United States he holds a vital place in history and his name will... Read More

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