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  2. Books Published April 2009

April 2009

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published April 2009.

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Book Review

Relaxed Cooking with Curtis Stone

We’ve seen this before: ultra-honored, Michelin-starred, haute-cuisine master chef decides to chill out and author a book of recipes for casual meals at home. We won’t fall for that again, not after other such projects gave us tennis... Read More

Book Review

Cancer from A to Z

by Dawn Goldsmith

This compilation of cancer-related information brings together definitions details descriptions and resources in one easy-to-read book. Dr. Edward H. Laughlin is a professor of surgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Regional... Read More

Book Review

The End of the West

"The End of the West", Michael Dickmans exuberant first book, is lit by all varieties of conflagration. The speaker describes brain, eyes, and lungs making up a “burning chandelier” inside him. And no wonder: His memory is full of... Read More

Book Review

Future Scenarios

by Luise Bolleber

The terms “peak oil” and “climate change” have been a part of the national mindset for a few years, but they have been examined in isolation from one another. Books such as James Howard Kunstler’s The Long Emergency and Al... Read More

Book Review

What We Leave Behind

by Karl Kunkel

Our current way of life cannot continue. The co-authors are upfront with this warning to readers: we must radically change our lifestyles and our mindsets about keeping Mother Earth alive if we expect to leave a healthy planet to future... Read More

Book Review


by Deirdre Sinnott

The bubonic plague was an archetypical societal experience in Europe. It killed about 200 million people in the fourteenth century. In repeated waves that appeared and disappeared over a four hundred-year period, the so-called pestilence... Read More

Book Review

The Practical Cyclist

by Karl Kunkel

Dust off the bike, put some air in the tires, and discover a new world that has been waiting for you. Thats an easy-to-accept invitation from the author, who is a bicycle enthusiast, commuter, and self-described all-around... Read More

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