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  2. Books Published June 15, 2009

June 15, 2009

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 15, 2009. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in June 2009.

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Book Review

A Circle of Souls

In Preetham Grandhis "A Circle of Souls" (Sweetwater Books, 978-1-59955-235-4), A YOUNG GIRL IS MURDERED in the Connecticut woods. At the same time, a seven-year-old girl named Naya is hospitalized because of disturbingly vivid... Read More

Book Review

Little Lamb Lost

by Dick Cady

FOR AN UNUSUAL HEROINE in an unconventional mystery, try "Little Lamb Lost" (Oceanview Publishing, 978-1-933515-51-9) by Margaret Fenton. Her protagonist, social worker Claire Conover, shows herself as smart, human, and maybe too brave... Read More

Book Review

Fearless Confessions

by Allison Block

“I sometimes think only autobiography is literature,” Virginia Woolf wrote. While some may question whether memoirs qualify as great art, they are certainly popular these days. In her new book, memoirist Sue William Silverman, author... Read More

Book Review

Waking Up in Eden

by Nancy E Walker

“True adventures come without safety nets,” writes award-winning journalist Lucinda Fleeson as she trades her staid East coast life for a Hawaiian adventure. Fleeson moves to Kauai to serve as fundraiser for the National Tropical... Read More