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  2. Books Published June 2009

June 2009

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 2009.

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Book Review

Defenders of the Scroll

In the tradition of Edward Eager’s children’s classics, the young heroes in this exciting fantasy novel must figure out how to use—and thwart—a magical item before it either thwarts or kills them. When eleven-year-old Princess... Read More

Book Review

Escaping Danger

A Polish jeweler and his wife escape Krakow as Nazis take over their country. Clever planning and quick thinking help them as they travel into the heart of Germany to catch a ship bound for America. "Escaping Danger" follows them as they... Read More

Book Review

Born in the Wrong Country

“It seems as if I am feeling the pain that my mother my father my grandparents great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents felt” Milton Lee Norris writes. The ramifications of chattel slavery and institutionalized and intractable... Read More

Book Review

Notes on Cooking

Kitchen Craft. A handful of high-quality, petite non-fiction books seek to deliver content in short, pithy, declarative statements believing the technique lends authoritative credibility; the best example being Strunk and Whites The... Read More

Book Review

Swan Dive

Michael Burke’s debut novel, "Swan Dive", is a deft turn into the modern-day hardboiled detective novel. Pay-ing homage to classic crime writers like Dashiell Hammet and Raymond Chandler, Burke delivers neo-noir that is a little more... Read More

Book Review

All My Bones Shake

by Diane Gardner

Our world is dying. Unsustainable environmental practices ruin natural resources. Our social systems destroy our souls. The rich and powerful leave the poor and underprivileged in pain. For these reasons and more, author Robert Jensen... Read More

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