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  2. Books Published September 15, 2009

September 15, 2009

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published September 15, 2009. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in September 2009.

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Book Review

Angel Park

Even though they claim to support ideas for change, people often resist innovations that might disrupt their professional lives. This contradiction seems especially prevalent in public education, where those who try to implement new... Read More

Book Review

We All Hear Voices

"We All Hear Voices", a Southern Gothic novel by physician Sam Taggart, revolves around the life of Jack, an older, quiet, little man who hops off a bus one day with his duffel bag in a dusty Arkansas town. He quickly finds work as a... Read More

Book Review

The Visone Method

Many educators would likely agree that the United States has lost its focus on education over the past several years. Reduced educational funding and the rising rate of school dropouts may be to blame. One possible way to combat this... Read More

Book Review

Buy it, Sell it, Make Money

At first glance, the “Flipster System” described by Daren and Nancy Baughman in Buy It, Sell It, Make Money may look like just another online get-rich-quick scheme. The disclaimer at the beginning of the book (“readers who employ... Read More

Book Review

Death of a Bronx Cop

In Tom Walker’s second novel, the cop’s nightstick, a club for self-defense and keeping the peace, becomes a metaphor for one law enforcement family’s service and, ultimately, a symbol of tragedy. As the nightstick is passed from... Read More

Book Review

Shine on Me

Helen Keller, an icon of American history, was a woman of intelligence, discipline, and ambition who made a significant impact on society in spite of being born blind and deaf. It is good to remember that others have faced similar... Read More

Book Review


Al Sheppard, a retired detective with the New York Police Department, focuses on his experiences as a rookie and later as a respected officer in his first memoir, E-Man: Life in the NYPD Emergency Service Unit. When he was a teenager... Read More

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