As an occupation glamorized by medical and legal procedural TV shows, forensic pathology seems, to the casual observer, to be an exciting profession full of murders to be solved by clever scientists who find all the clues within the dead... Read More
Robert Allen Sheppard is an officer in the fleet of the Alliance of Worlds who is on the fast track to an admiralship. He is dealing with a complex diplomatic and military situation exacerbated by the influx of advanced espionage... Read More
"Germania" plunges readers into a plot that exemplifies the struggles of people who have had to survive extreme political regimes and cope with the tension between politics, survival, and their personal moral compasses. Hans Klug, a... Read More
Charlie looks across a village green. He notices that the shadows of the people seem to be dragging heavy iron balls attached to chains. However, the humans themselves are unencumbered by any medieval torture devices. Observing with him... Read More
New managers have to deal with so many thorny issues that they may sometimes wonder if it’s worth it. In his excellent book, "Manager Mechanics", Eric Bloom addresses these issues with honesty, insight, and humor. One refreshing aspect... Read More
Global warming triggered a gene that caused the dinosaur extinction 60 million years ago, according to Nobel Prize winner Walter Perriman’s gene research. When Perriman finds that the same gene has been triggered again and is now... Read More
“To everything there is a season.” These words from the main character’s favorite song and a biblical passage represent a major theme of this debut novel by Twyla Enns. "Reflections of Indigo" is a coming-of-age story about a young... Read More
“The rain crashed against the deck’s wooden planks with fury, and the wind howled with no remorse,” Angie Brijpaul writes. The scuba boat suddenly lurches, the captain’s limp body lies across the steering wheel, and the boat... Read More