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  2. Books Published December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published December 15, 2009. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in December 2009.

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Book Review

Everybody for Everybody

According to Dr. Donald DeMarco of Kitchener, Ontario, author and psychiatrist Samuel Nigro is nothing like the clichéd therapists so often found in film and on television. He claims that Nigro is “eager to work overtime to provide... Read More

Book Review

Citizens of Time in the Exodus

As she did previously with the Book of Genesis, author Veda Duff Tohline has created a marvelous collection of character studies of the personalities in the Book of Exodus. "Citizens of Time in the Exodus" provides a detailed account of... Read More

Book Review

Heart of the Prisoner

In the film, The Shawshank Redemption, the narrator recalls his first night in prison, saying, “When they put you in that cell, and those bars slam home, that’s when you know it’s for real. A whole life blown away in the blink of... Read More

Book Review

"Button, Button" Who's Got the Button

The cold landscape of Minnesota isn’t frigid enough to keep troublemakers and evil doers inside. In the mystery novel, [i]Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button[i], storms rage across the Midwest countryside, while a different kind of... Read More

Book Review

A Journey to the Truth

The Hindu Rig Veda teaches, “Truth is One, though the sages know it as many.” This teaching is one that Sam, the primary character in "A Journey to the Truth" learns as he explores the many religions and philosophies of the world.... Read More

Book Review

Meanderings of an Aged Mind

Meanderings of An Aged Mind, the title of retired junior high teacher Kay Fay’s slim volume of poetry, gives her licence to expound upon any number of subjects that she knows best-schools, schoolchildren, homework, parenting,... Read More

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