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  2. Books Published May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published May 15, 2010. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in May 2010.

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Book Review

A Most Vivid Day!

by Teresa Scollon

Tommy the Bat has never seen colors, because he lives in the nighttime, with its dark grays. A helpful caterpillar encourages him to stay up until sunrise, when the sun arrives to paint the world and its animals with color. Tommy wants... Read More

Book Review

Word Nerd

by Andi Diehn

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Society no longer insists on the traditional, two-parent model, but often luck still favors those families with more than one adult. Ambrose has a slight disadvantage: his dad died before Ambrose... Read More

Book Review

Picture of the Dead

by Catherine Thureson

The mid- to late nineteenth-century was a time of turbulent change for the United States. The brutality of the Civil War, important strides in technology, and changes in popular religious thought all colored this time period. Each of... Read More

Book Review

The Fast Runner

by Karl Kunkel

The 2001 movie, "The Fast Runner", the first feature-length film written, directed, and produced by Inuit artists and shot on location in the frozen Arctic, garnered acclaim at the Cannes Film Festival and other international fests.... Read More

Book Review

Twelve by Twelve

by Gabriela Worrel

They say it’s the journey, not the destination that matters. "Twelve by Twelve" is the story of one man’s journey from living in what he calls the “Flattening World”—a world of increased globalization, environmental... Read More

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