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  2. Books Published May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published May 15, 2010. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in May 2010.

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Book Review

Empire for Liberty

by Mary Popham

While the idea of imperial domination, as opposed to democracy, is not one with which many Americans are comfortable, the US, in fact, has always been an empire. That is, it has always proceeded toward expansion as an empire for liberty.... Read More

Book Review

Not for Profit

by Julia Ann Charpentier

Most will agree that training people to be economically productive citizens is a reasonable goal, but there is a downside. According to Nussbaum, the narrowed process of achieving a stable economy by eliminating the humanities from our... Read More

Book Review

52 Loaves

by John Michael Senger

"52 Loaves" is not really about the pursuit of truth, meaning, and a perfect crust, as the subtitle claims—but readers can indulge the author his bit of literary embellishment. This book, a breezy, captivating account of the author’s... Read More

Book Review

Chasing Stars

by Barry Silverstein

In business, “stars” are recognized and promoted because of their special value to a company, but it is almost inevitable that they will leave to seek better opportunities elsewhere. "Chasing Stars" raises an intriguing question... Read More

Book Review

Madre & I

by Christine Canfield

He may have been a bastard, but he had his father’s name. That counted for something. It elevated him a notch above his mother and grandmother in the legitimacy ranks. They were also illegitimate children, but bore the matrilineal... Read More

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