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  2. Books Published May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published May 15, 2010. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in May 2010.

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Book Review

Mattaponi Queen

by Holly Wren Spaulding

Belle Boggs grew up in the rural region of Virginia where her short stories are set, and one gets the feeling she hung around the grocery store, the boat launch, the Mattaponi River and reservation, eavesdropping and absorbing the... Read More

Book Review

The Bradbury Report

by Alan J. Couture

In 2071 AD, clones are grown for spare parts. They live like subhumans in harsh conditions in the Clearances, a vast area run by a nefarious and secretive government. Virtually no one thinks about his or her clone, or the ethical issues... Read More

Book Review

Bai Ganyo

by Kara Mason

Bai Ganyo, Bulgarian anti-hero, is “a broad-shouldered, dark-eyed, dark-haired, swarthy man with prominent cheekbones, a turned-up mustache, and a five o’clock shadow.” He’s the title character of a series of short stories and... Read More

Book Review

Messenger of Death

Sometimes a novel reaches out and grabs readers by the throat, riveting them to the action, despite the discomfort caused by the subject matter. Alex Markman almost pulls this off with his third novel. Set in Canada during the mid 1990s,... Read More

Book Review

Hopes and Prospects

In "Hopes and Prospects", Noam Chomsky’s gritty, politically charged essays redefine the nature and practice of democracy in an increasingly unsteady world climate. Chomsky reinterprets the long held ideal that “expansion is the path... Read More