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  2. Books Published June 2010

June 2010

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 2010.

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Book Review

Travels in a Gay Nation

by Kristine Morris

Stories have tremendous power to provide a sense of belonging to a people, a culture, and a place; narrative provides a context in which a strong sense of personal and community identity can be formed. Even people who live at the margins... Read More

Book Review

Not Even Past

by Christine Canfield

In his speech, “A More Perfect Union,” Barack Obama quoted William Faulkner (“The past is not dead. In fact, it’s not even past.”) to embody the idea that even though leaders no longer need to list the racial injustices of the... Read More

Book Review

Absolutely Small

by Alan J. Couture

Everything most of us think we know about how nature works is wrong. In fact, the traditional or “classic” mechanical explanations for why objects behave the way they do are fundamentally incorrect. Only with an understanding of... Read More

Book Review

Over the Cliff

by John Michael Senger

"Over the Cliff" is old wine in a new bottle. In a 1964 article in Harper’s Magazine, Richard Hofstadter described “the paranoid style in American politics.” Amato and Neiwert offer a detailed and contemporary accounting of that... Read More

Book Review

Wild West 2.0

by Barry Silverstein

One of the intriguing and, in some cases, disturbing aspects of “Web 2.0” is the ability for anyone anywhere to damage the reputation of a person or company simply by posting disparaging information on the Internet. The rise in... Read More

Book Review

Share This!

by Marian Schembari

For those who think of Twitter as a teeny-bopper hub and can’t imagine going near it, those who understand the power of social networks, and those who are already successful users, "Share This!" is a fantastic look at how to use online... Read More

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