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  2. Books Published October 2011

October 2011

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published October 2011.

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Book Review

The Lions of the West

by Mary Popham

There is properly no history, only biography. Admired for his bestsellers, a novel*, Gap Creek,* and a biography of Daniel Boone, Robert Morgan subscribes to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s epigraph as he chronicles the lives of Americans who... Read More

Book Review

Moby-Dick in Pictures

by Julie Eakin

But he will still be hunted, for all that. What is best let alone, that accursed thing is not always what least allures. He’s all a magnet! To borrow from Herman Melville, the “accursed” things that attract us aren’t always... Read More

Book Review

The Luminist

by Diane Gardner

"The Luminist", by David Rocklin, explores the struggle to find one’s place in the world when confined by society to an ill-fitting role in which one’s dreams and abilities outshine what is acceptable—and what it means to break... Read More