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  2. Books Published October 2011

October 2011

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published October 2011.

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Book Review

Who in This Room

by Lisa Romeo

Cancer memoirs, if it’s not too insensitive to say, are multiplying daily, and while that’s probably good—everyone has a slightly different medical story and perspective worth hearing—too few allow the reader in on as many levels... Read More

Book Review

Celebrating the American Spirit

by Julie Eakin

Those who cling to the romantic notion that art is unsullied by commerce could stand another hard look at Warhol’s soup cans. The pop master would likely have appreciated this rare new endeavor, in which romance and commerce abound... Read More

Book Review

God Bless America

by Janelle Adsit

God bless America: a cliché that seems to be all around us. We hear it said in earnest and with sarcasm. And as such, it sets the right tone for Steve Almond’s third short story collection, which finds room for both the heartfelt and... Read More

Book Review

Girls in Trouble

by Bracha Goykadosh

The girls are, as the title states, in trouble. In this kaleidoscopic collection of thirteen short stories which won the Grace Paley Prize for Short Fiction, Benjamin Franklin Fiction Award winner Douglas Light deftly explores the rocky... Read More

Book Review

Before the End, After the Beginning

by S. Hope Mills

The quote is well-worn: “It’s the journey that matters.” Dagoberto Gilb’s appropriately titled new collection—*Before the End, After the Beginning—*gives us ten such adventures. And Gilb should know a thing or two about... Read More

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