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  2. Books Published November 2011

November 2011

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published November 2011.

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Book Review


Join a butterfly on a magical tour of art history through the ages. When she is jostled from the Flemish painting in which she’s lived for over 300 years, she must find her way back. Another butterfly named Brimstone has suffered a... Read More

Book Review

Branded Beauty

by Claire Posner

For many women, and quite a few men, a beauty product of some kind ranks as an absolute must-have before leaving the house. A 2010 survey of over 8,000 French women revealed that 25 percent would not consider leaving the house without... Read More

Book Review

Cotton Bales, Goatmen, and Witchs

by Lee E. Cart

Wandering ghosts, fiends, shadows of people who disappear when approached … these are the tales Turner has compiled into a chilling collection for anyone interested in ghost stories from the heart of Texas. Coupled with black-and-white... Read More

Book Review

Rabbi Rami Guide to Forgiveness

by C. William Gee

Forgiveness is much more than saying one is sorry. Rabbi Rami explains that forgiveness is an attitude that should instruct our entire lives. He questions the prevailing religious and societal understandings of forgiveness by redefining... Read More

Book Review

Rabbi Rami Guide to God

by C. William Gee

Opening this new edition to his Rabbi Rami Guide series with the loaded question, “Do you believe in God?”, Rabbi Rami presents that he and you and all of us are God, as understood in panentheism through the prism of Perennial... Read More

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