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  2. Books Published February 15, 2012

February 15, 2012

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published February 15, 2012. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in February 2012.

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Book Review

Daemon of the Dark Wood

by J.G. Stinson

In the small north Georgia town of Dogwood, a deputy sheriff answering a missing person report on a local resident finds the woman’s car, but not her. Certain clues make him suspect something’s amiss—especially when he learns that... Read More

Book Review

The Philosopher Prince

by Diane Gardner

In the ancient Roman Empire, the halls of power were twisted places where no one could be trusted, and betrayal and death lurked just around the corner. In "The Philosopher Prince", one young soldier must learn what it means to be a man... Read More

Book Review


by Peter Skinner

Marika Pruska-Carroll offers an insightful and rewarding contention: Russia is regressing politically in the face of economic and educational progress and an ongoing social revolution. Pruska-Carroll was raised in Poland, earned her PhD... Read More

Book Review

Money on Purpose

by Melissa Anne Wuske

Money is the ubiquitous stressor of our day. Some have got money. Everybody wants more. This desire drives fervent questions: “How can I cut my expenses?” “How should I invest what I earn?” “Should I give money to charity even... Read More

Book Review


by Melissa Anne Wuske

Murder and kidnapping aren’t what most readers expect in a coming-home-again narrative. Cross-cultural immigrant stories that are tinged with reminiscence, nostalgia, and a bit of angst are more the norm. But Joe Costanzo breaths new... Read More

Book Review

The Rabbits Could Sing

by Peter Dabbene

Time spent in nature provides an opportunity to decompress, put aside the iPhones and Blackberrys, and reflect on aspects of life that often get pushed aside. In "The Rabbits Could Sing", her second book of poetry, Amber Flora Thomas... Read More

Book Review

The City Beneath the Snow

by Patricia Morrow

“Maybe it’s stupid to live in a place like Fairbanks where fall is only a week long, but it sure is a beautiful week.” This line from the third story in "The City Beneath the Snow" could just as well have been used to preface the... Read More

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