1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published February 21, 2012. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in February 2012.

Book Review

Invoking Happenstance

by Sheila M. Trask

MyraLee Nowell makes her debut with a romance novel that offers several unexpected twists. "Invoking Happenstance" is the story of Myla, an American heiress who has lost her family and longs for an intimate connection that her husband,... Read More

Book Review

Winkiedough Twinkletoe

by Peter Dabbene

There is a divide in the methodology of children’s picture books: Some are intricately planned from beginning to end in order to address fundamental questions, fears, or dreams of children, while others arise more organically, from... Read More

Book Review

The Rainforest

by Barry Silverstein

Every once in a while, a business book with a big idea that defines a way of thinking comes along. Such books as Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore and Jim Collins’s Good to Great come to mind. "The Rainforest" feels like one of... Read More