Mona Houghton’s debut consists of two novellas that delve into the chaotic lives of characters, their desperation, and the resulting messiness. Although the novella is not a form that is read as popularly as a novel, it can be just as... Read More
On July 6, 1944, in Hartford, Connecticut, a Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey big top went up in flames. Paraffin was used to waterproof the tents in those days, and waxy globs of fire dripped from the ceiling like hellish rain.... Read More
The second book in the Collegium Sorcerorum trilogy by Louis Sauvain, Thaddeus and the Master, will draw in fantasy readers with its sense of adventure and mounting mystery. As a rich backstory and hints of magical secrets begin to... Read More
Fred Dalton is a man who has it all. Owner of a highly successful construction company, he has a beautiful, vivacious wife, a lovely home, and a seemingly bright future. A tragic accident that leaves his wife in a wheelchair is the... Read More
Who knew that American Samoa is the only one of the fifty-six states and territories of the United States without a bar association? Robert Sellers Smith knows, as will anyone who reads the short passage about that Pacific island in his... Read More
Nancy Thorne Hinkel’s new novel, Destiny Skye, is perfect for the beach, or anytime feel-good entertainment would fit the bill. Set in a small town in North Carolina, Hinkel presents a diverse cast of characters, some small-town... Read More
Stories centered on an immortal—someone who cannot die yet longs for death—are common in science fiction, yet Will Dresser chooses to jump genres by fitting this plot device into a political thriller. Oddly enough, he succeeds. Jared... Read More
Robert Levithan, a twenty-first-century Renaissance man with a fascinating and highly urbane litany of passions and accomplishments, was moved to write about his life and worldviews on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. The result is... Read More