- Book Reviews
- Books Published May 4, 2012
May 4, 2012
Here are all of the books we've reviewed
that were
published May 4, 2012.
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Author Jane M. Hogg writes with a straightforward and precise style perfect for nonfiction. "Beware the Mandarins" goes beyond the standard memoir, detailing a period of corruption in British government that she experiences firsthand... Read More
A devout Catholic for most of his more than eighty years, Thomas Arthur Nelson has, like so many of his faith, broken with the church and its hierarchy over what he believes is a hostile stance on homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and... Read More
In “Would I Be Able to Stand,” the first poem of Laura Cronk’s collection, a woman tests the boundaries, real and imagined, of herself. “Would I be able to stand / a horse charging past?” she asks, and suddenly horse hooves... Read More