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  2. Books Published June 15, 2012

June 15, 2012

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 15, 2012. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in June 2012.

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Book Review


by Pamela Harris Kaiser

As director at the business consultancy firm of Nicholson McBride, Jane Clarke has participated in and witnessed good and bad politics in corporations. With clients including the London Business School, Freshfields, and Morgan Stanley,... Read More

Book Review

Bountiful Creek

by Jeannine Chartier Hanscom

In the spring of 1861, just prior to the onset of the Civil War, eighteen-year-old Martha Somerville finds her life rapidly changing along with the world around her. As she and her loved ones stand on the brink of war, Martha sets about... Read More

Book Review


by Alan Couture

James Stuart is in deep trouble. Though only a teenager, he shows great promise of becoming a powerful sorcerer, perhaps even the prophesied “Anointed One,” but it seems the entire wizardly community is aligned against him. Unfairly... Read More

Book Review

Q: Awakening

by Mark McLaughlin

Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley, and Mark Strong, here is your next movie project. The title may be lackluster, but the story in G. M. Lawrence’s Q: Awakening has box office blockbuster written all over it. Lawrence’s book is exciting,... Read More

Book Review

Spaghetti on the Wall

by Maria Siano

In this how-to manual, April Kelly recommends effective techniques to help readers stand out among other coworkers and job seekers through networking (“who you know”) and branding (“making yourself memorable).” Encouraging... Read More

Book Review

Sowing Seeds in the Desert

by Elizabeth Millard

Small-scale and urban farming as well as sustainable living and organic food purchasing are so prevalent right now that these practices are moving from a foodie trend to a fundamental shift in our food system. One of the people to thank... Read More

Book Review

The Science of the Quran

by Thomas H. Brennan

In Western culture, the rift between science and scripture has often been contentious. During the Renaissance, when the discoveries of Copernicus and Galileo directly challenged the science of the Bible, the dichotomy became seemingly... Read More

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