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  2. Books Published June 2012

June 2012

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 2012.

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Book Review

Boyle-Breath Breathes

by Jill Allen

Bernard Boyle, that helpful alien with the power to create soothing fragrances while masquerading as an Earthling teacher, appears again in "Boyle-Breath Breathes", the charming and thought-provoking sequel to Murry L. Peters’s... Read More

Book Review

Tea Party on Safari

by Katerie Prior

After the 2012 US election, Al Cardenas, the head of the American Conservative Union, was quoted as saying, “Our party needs a lot of work to do if we expect to be competitive in the near future.” This sentiment has been bubbling... Read More

Book Review

The Quran

by Mark McLaughlin

Ejaz Naqvi seeks to bridge the yawning gap that zealots have created between Muslims and non-Muslims. The Quran: With or Against the Bible? is not meant to stir up controversy; it is intended to squash it. Naqvi’s primary audience may... Read More

Book Review

Spiders Web

by Jill Allen

Kurt Hafner’s debut novel, "Spiders Web", weaves together strands of international intrigue and a wide-ranging group of characters into a slow-burning thriller. At the center of this imbroglio are Rolf and Sabine Brenner’s successful... Read More

Book Review

Achieving Personal Integrity

by Sheila M. Trask

Psychologists and psychiatrists work intimately with patients to conquer their private demons, not to cure society’s ills. But after thirty years of practicing psychoanalytical therapy, Dr. Charles C. DeLong is convinced there is a... Read More

Book Review

How I Became Me

by Emily Adams

"How I Became Me" tells the story of the Danielle Clift’s tumultuous childhood and adolescence and her journey out of addiction into a happy adulthood. The memoir details Clift’s rocky early years as she moves from house to house... Read More

Book Review

Politics of Death

by C. William Gee

Death and taxes may be two of the inevitabilities of life, but for some there are options when it comes to how and when to die. In "Politics of Death", William Kirtley analyzes how Oregon’s 1997 Death with Dignity Act came into... Read More

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