1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published July 30, 2012. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in July 2012.

Book Review

Bird from Hell

by Katerie Prior

In August 2011, a New York Times article reported that, according to researchers, 85 percent of land creatures and more than 90 percent of sea creatures have yet to be discovered. That bit of news may sound strange, particularly in an... Read More

Book Review

Tom and Pearl's Udder Stand

by Peter Dabbene

Within America’s increasingly urban population, fewer and fewer children really understand where their food comes from, or the nuts and bolts of how it’s produced. In Tom and Pearl’s Udder Stand, Tom Paris manages to entertain kids... Read More