- Book Reviews
- Books Published September 21, 2012
September 21, 2012
Here are all of the books we've reviewed
that were
published September 21, 2012.
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view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in September 2012.
This book fills a knowledge gap in the English-speaking world—what life was like for a Soviet soldier and citizen during World War II. Not surprisingly, most English-language books about World War II are written about the military... Read More
“Fall down seven times, get up eight,” goes the Japanese saying. In The Priceless Gifts of Personal Failure: 13 Triumphant Thoughts on Turning Your Life Around, Barry Forbes uses this type of wisdom to encourage his readers to turn... Read More
Few basketball coaches can fill a resume with both the amount and the variety of experience Lee Rose has compiled in the past four decades. After working as an assistant coach at the college level, Rose led both UNC-Charlotte and Purdue... Read More
In this engaging personal account of her professional and personal life, Bertrand shares her experiences as an architect, as well as a world traveler, wife, and mother. Tracing her life in detail, she provides a summary of her childhood... Read More