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  2. Books Published October 15, 2012

October 15, 2012

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published October 15, 2012. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in October 2012.

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Book Review

The Past Ahead

by Jennifer Williams

Gilbert Gatore’s first novel, "The Past Ahead", is not a story about genocide. Though it’s centered around the horrific events that took place in Rwanda during the 1990s, it’s also not a novel about war. Gatore relies on his... Read More

Book Review

The Lighthouse Road

by Karen Ackland

Thea Eide, a beautiful young Norwegian woman seeking a better life, immigrates to Gunflint, Minnesota, to work on her aunt and uncle’s farm. By the time she reaches her destination, a place that looks surprisingly like the home she... Read More

Book Review

Dancing at the Gold Monkey

by Hope Mills

“It didn’t matter to Ray if they were for or against the war. He just couldn’t take listening to someone who hadn’t been there. They didn’t belong to the same fraternity, the one that had taken his youth and made him bitter... Read More