1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published November 15, 2012

November 15, 2012

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published November 15, 2012. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in November 2012.

Book Review

Distorted Mind

by Sheila M. Trask

Fortnam captures his radical separation from reality by sharing his confused thought process. In this brief but brave memoir, Michael Fortnam strives to share what serious mental illness feels like from inside the patient’s head.... Read More

Book Review

Three Green Rats

by Alicia Sondhi

The town of Tintown is in trouble, even though the hurrying and scurrying rats who live there don’t seem to notice. For years they have consumed and polluted without thought, and now Tintown, as authors Linda Mason Hunter and Suzanne... Read More

Book Review

My Boy Blink

by Jill Allen

"My Boy Blink", by Nev White, starts out promisingly enough: A young boy and his father come upon a baby in the woods. With the parents dead at the scene, father and son rescue the newborn, who ends up going by the nickname Blink because... Read More

Book Review


by Katerie Prior

Immigration is a hot-button political topic for many Americans. What most people forget is that the heated debate over immigration is almost as old as the United States itself. What is more important to understand is that nearly all... Read More

Book Review


by Barry Silverstein

David Mastran admits that the connotation of “privateer” is not always positive—but he is proud of being a privateer as he defines it: “a person who privatizes government programs, replacing government employees with... Read More

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