No one is likely to question the fact that electricity is a necessity of modern life. But Samuel Milham, a doctor whose career has centered around public health, believes there is a dangerous downside to electricity, and he sets out to... Read More
For many people, the duration of the quest for a soul mate can last anywhere from the length of a first, magical look to well over half a lifetime. For as-yet-unmarried author Barry Rothman (now in his fifties), his search for the... Read More
In "Starman Heart Stargirl", the third installment of the Sanctuary series, S.C. Williams delves into the continued adventures of a human family whose members have some major run-ins with powerful nonhumans. In the process, Christina... Read More
Justina is at a romantic crossroads. Laurina Osborne’s second novel, "Choose Me", follows the twenty-year journey leading up to the collision of circumstances that brings together the three men Justina has loved. She’ll have to make... Read More
Rhoda Canter’s debut work, "The Adventures of Starfoot and Brown", is somewhat autobiographical in that she writes with a fondness for what she knows: a beautiful location and her beloved pets. With her two young Chihuahua pups, writer... Read More
Gabriel is an adventurer. When two of his friends decide to leave school and go seek their fortunes in Alaska, there is no way he is going to stay behind. The three friends make plans that get them only part of the way to Anchorage, and... Read More
The American dream is alive and well according to Bueno’s memoir, a short volume that would certainly be worthy extracurricular reading for minority students and those interested in the lives of American immigrants. Joe Bueno Garcia is... Read More
The “glory seekers” of 1861, as David C. Reavis calls his ancestors and others who answered the call to the colors, soon learned that war was anything but glorious. In "Upon These Steps", Reavis chronicles the experiences of two... Read More