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  2. Books Published August 2013

August 2013

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published August 2013.

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Book Review

My Former Self

by Wayne Cunningham

C. T. Musca has meticulously polished her prose in telling Daverin’s fascinating story of how “life has a way of changing things.” Thirty-six years old and single, dental-office receptionist Tonya Daverin reflects on how she has... Read More

Book Review

The Power of Labels

by Maria Siano

These personal stories of struggles with labeling encourage self-esteem and empathy through friendly advice. In "The Power of Labels", a self-help book with an encouraging tone, Marsy Beron discusses a range of ways people label... Read More

Book Review

Prey for the Soulless

by Jill Allen

The chilling atmosphere of this dystopian novel intrigues as it portrays the devil in human form. Combining the savage death matches of the popular Hunger Games series with a story in which Satan assumes human form, K. R. Lugo’s "Prey... Read More

Book Review

Adirondack August

by Jacquelyn Lazo

Kay Benedict Sgarlata is in control throughout the narrative in this book about the lines between pain and pleasure, set amid vivid descriptions of the Adirondack landscape. Kay Benedict Sgarlata’s debut fictional work, "Adirondack... Read More

Book Review

The Eyes of Winchester

by Beth VanHouten

Reincarnation, nightmares, and murder—this plot grabs hold and doesn’t let go. People want their dreams to come true, but never their nightmares, which is what happens in this attention-grabbing, short thrill ride of a novel. Theresa... Read More

Book Review

Fishing for Light

by Mark Laiosa

Science fiction that doesn’t take itself too seriously, "Fishing for Light" is a wildly creative story. Take a science fiction story with multiple subplots, add a love element and a bit of satire on twenty-first-century American life... Read More

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