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  2. Books Published December 15, 2013

December 15, 2013

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published December 15, 2013. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in December 2013.

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Book Review

Unclenching Our Fists

by Matt Sutherland

Sara Elinoff Acker has been studying relationships, albeit the violent type. In "Unclenching Our Fists", she explores a litany of depressing questions, beginning with why some men become abusive and leading to the eyes-wide-open... Read More

Book Review

The Glass Slipper

by Matt Sutherland

Knowing what we now know about our imitative impulses, we can venture forward to the realm of culture, comfortable with the idea that to live in a place is unavoidably to live out the hopes and dreams of that place. Consider "The Glass... Read More

Book Review

Phantom of the Ego

by Matt Sutherland

Picture yourself in the early twentieth century, fully alive and engaged with the modernist movement’s flowering in the arts, literature, and psychology. Here’s the catch: imagine that the Father of Modernism, Sigmund Freud, didn’t... Read More

Book Review

Healing Pain and Injury

by Carrie Wallace

Celebrated osteopathic physician and homeopath, Maud Nerman, DO, has “discovered a magic pill that will help you heal. It is your commitment to your own healing.” For those dealing with daily, long-term pain issues and traumatic... Read More

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