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  2. Books Published April 2014

April 2014

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published April 2014.

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Book Review

The Kitchen

by Matt Sutherland

No, you don’t see a book like this every day—a four-color, professionally photographed, coffee-table-worthy marijuanapedia. If you or your unemployed nephew needs gardening details about the use of clones vs. seeds, hydroponics,... Read More

Book Review

Armor of Glass

by Maya Fleischmann

Keen observations are powerful and build a sense of imagery to reveal how one man’s struggles have shaped his perspective. Author R. M. A. Spears explores themes of machismo and being a man, while shedding light on military culture, in... Read More

Book Review

The Limbic Highway

by Catherine Thureson

A character’s ability to interact with purgatory poses unique questions about the nature of the afterlife. "The Limbic Highway" tells the fascinating story of Jake Martee, a young man who has the ability to interact with souls in... Read More

Book Review

Smoke Dreams

by Julia Ann Charpentier

A haunted mansion with an intelligent personality propels this eerie tale set in New Mexico. In "Smoke Dreams", Donald Willerton teeters on the brink of historical and horror fiction, creating an eye-opening escapade for the uninitiated.... Read More

Book Review

River Talk

by Lee Polevoi

Person and place intersect to offer insight into what dysfunction, within both individuals and families, reveals about us. The characters in C. B. Anderson’s impressive collection "River Talk" live in and around western Maine’s river... Read More

Book Review

The Argentine Triangle

by Lynn Evarts

Quick wit and a positive attitude make this spy hero unique and likable. In "The Argentine Triangle", by Allan Topol, we are treated to the further adventures of Craig Page, ex-CIA director. Topol takes Page on yet another exciting ride... Read More

Book Review

The Lost Woods

by Gary Presley

Rice explores the South, searching out the places from which its people find meaning and sustenance. In this story collection, "The Lost Woods", H. William Rice writes of the land and its gifts from the Cherokee and Creek, oaks and elms... Read More

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